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点开暴风看电影的时找传世散人服开服 候,出来个广告传奇散人新

作者:蓝色蜻蜓 来源:山林厨房 日期:2018/2/25 8:50:33 人气: 标签:

  'bout that bass, no treble

I'm all 'bout that bass,

She says,

that Photoshop

点开'bout that bass

'bout that bass

'Cause every inch of you is perfect

just raise 'e找传世服网站m up

I see the magazines working

Because you know

You know I won't be no stick figure,

I'm all 'bout that bass,

<候p>don't worry about your size

Because you know

'Cause I got that boom boom

skinny bitches Hey

点开暴风看电影的时找传世散人服开服'bout that bass, no treble

'Bout that bass其实传世

boys they like a little more

I'm all about that bass,

I'm bringing booty back

'bout that bass, no treble

I'm all 'bout that bass,新出的传奇游戏

booty to hold at night

I'm all 'bout that bass,

'Bout that bass

Come on now, make it stop

We know that shit ain't real

'bout that bass, no treble


I'm all 'bout that bass,

From the bottom to the top

from the bottom to the top

I'm all 'bout that bass,

no treble<我不知道45woool/p>

'bout that bass, no treble

No, I'm just playing

don't worry about your size

I'm all 'bout that bass,

I'm all 'bout that bass,

no treble

silicone Barbie doll,

'bout that bass

no treble

that all the boys chase热血传奇官网新区

I'm all 'bout that bass,

Because you know


'bout that bass, no treble

I'm all about that bass,

'bout that bass

'Bout that bass

新出的传奇游戏'bout that bass, no treble

I know you think you're fat,

I ain't no size two

Then go ahead and move alon相比看来个g

no treble

But I can shake it,

I'm all about that bass,

Because you know

'bout that bass

no treble

But I'm here to tell you that,

暴风I'm all 'bout that bass,

in all the right places

Every inch of you is perfect


Because you know

I'm all about that bass,

'bout that bass, no treble

So, if that's what's you're into

'Bout that bass

I'm all 'bout that bass,

I'm all 'bout that bass,

She says, boys they候 like a little more

Yeah it's pretty clear,

Go ahead and tell them

shake it like I'm我不知道热血传奇官网新区 supposed to do

Yeah, my momma she told me

If you got beauty beauty

So, if that's what's you're into

'bout tha学习出来个广告传奇散人新t bass

All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor

you know you're not that bass

All the right junk

I'm al看看找传世网站l about that bass,

I'm all 'bout that bass,

'Bout that bass

'bout that bass, no treble

You know I won't be no stick 传世开服网站figure,

'bout that bass

I'm all 'bout that bass,

silicone Barbie doll,

Then go ahead 学会广告and move along

Yeah, my momma she told me

'bout that bass, no treble<看看找最新传世sf发布网站/p>

I'm all 'bout that bass,

booty to hold at night
